Day 14: Friday, Nov. 4 – Albuquerque to Amarillo, TX

The trip between Albuquerque and Amarillo, mostly on the I-40, was totally boring and uneventful. I left Albuquerque in the morning with a light rain starting, and saw the cloud following me as I was riding toward Amarillo, but never catching me, for my luck. Not much more to be said, plain boring šŸ™‚ I […]

Day 13: Thursday, Nov. 3 – Old Albuquerque & Music With Friends

So, I started the day bringing the bike to R&S Honda Polaris, which seemed the dealership with the best reviews among two in Albuquerque. Martin, the service manager received me friendly and understanding the time constraint set everything for my bike to get not the basic service – which should have been done around 4000 […]

Day 12: Wednesday, Nov. 2 – Bluff to Albuquerque, NM

So once more, I packed my stuff, loaded everything on the bike, and from theĀ Cadillac Ranch RV Park in Bluff, I rode this time to Four Corners, for a start. Little roads, some twisties, the ride was nice, despiteĀ the fact the desert landscapes were startingĀ to get me a little bored (too much of good things, […]

Day 11: Tuesday, Nov. 1 – Monument Valley to Bluff, UT

So, today I woke up and took my shower – for the note, even though I’m usually taking a shower after my riding day, when I’m all settled, camping or motel, I still need to take a shower in the morning too to get fully awake and throw away my sleepy face šŸ™‚ Then I […]

Day 10: Monday, Oct. 31 – Grand Canyon to Page, AZ

So, after theĀ quick usual oatmeal breakfast,Ā packing back the sleeping bag, mattress, tent and other camping gear and setting up everything on the bike, I took the direction of the anxiously expectedĀ Grand Canyon. It’s so funny you cross what seems toĀ a vast plain of diverse vegetation, finally becoming pine forests, and of a sudden, it’s there, […]

Day 9: Sunday, Oct. 30 – Las Vegas to Flagstaff, AZ

Definitely not an exceptional day. Left Vegas after moving all the stuff from the room to the bike – kind of boring but I’m getting fasterĀ installing everything on the bike – and took the direction of the Grand Canyon KOA inĀ Flagstaff, AZ which would be my stop for the day. I tried couchsurfing one more […]

Day 8: Saturday, October 29 – Stovepipe Wells, CA to Las Vegas, NV

So I left around the same time as usual (packing everything takes soooo much time…) after exchanging business cards with the neighbours, two best friends from Los Angeles I had discussed with a bit the night before, and made a first quick stop at the sand dunes. With all gear on, there was no way […]

Day 7: Friday, Oct. 28th – Big Pine, CA to Stovepipe Wells, CA

Note the roadmap above misses the part between Big Pine (on the left) to the White Peak (via White Mountain Rd) andĀ then to the city of Oasis. I forgot to start the tracker at the beginning of the trip and only remembered in Oasis šŸ™ So the first part of the trip was pretty nice, […]

Day 6: Thursday, Oct. 27th – Reno, NV to BigPine, CA

Left Reno around 8:30am, happy to see my bike was still on the parking lot of the hotel. Just before leaving the room, IĀ had takenĀ a few pictures from the foggy/dirty window. The ride started pretty well, with a gorgeous view on Washoe Lake. A little after that I was passing the hell’s gate… And I […]

Day 5: Wednesday, October 26th – Mt. Lassen to Reno, NV

This is the trip for today: So,Ā after a short trip, I arrived the entrance of the Mt. Lassen Natural Park, and felt happy to see I was starting to make use of my US National Park Annual Pass and didn’t have to pay the $15 entry fee at the kiosk, although there was no guard […]

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