We have a new video up on our YouTube channel where we share our travels through the incredible country of Chile. Enjoy, subscribe, and share! 🙂
Tag: beach town
Our top 10 towns and cities in Colombia
Mention Colombia to anyone and more likely than not, they will think of the TV show Narcos, Pablo Escobar, cocaine, drug trafficking, or armed conflict. Well, here’s some news for you: those preconceptions are far-removed from the Colombia of today. Everyone we met who had been to Colombia prior to our visit raved about the […]
Days 318 – 326: The road to the north of Colombia
New Video: Central America II
Day 259: A day trip to Playa Venao
New Video: Beach Cities of Mexico
Days 127 – 129: Ciudad del Carmen to Campeche and Evening Tourism
Days 125 & 126: Palenque to Ciudad del Carmen
On Saturday morning, we left Palenque and rode about five hours through another bumpy road to Ciudad del Carmen. Despite the less-than-ideal road conditions, the ride was more pleasant than the one that got us to Palenque. We did get stopped at a checkpoint with the federal police; however, the encounter was a painless […]