Tag: cathedral

Day 300: History and shiny things in La Candelaria

For our first Saturday in Bogotá, the plan was to explore La Candelaria, the historic neighbourhood of the city’s downtown area where the country’s capital was founded in 1538. The neighbourhood is very popular with local and foreign tourists due to its colourful colonial architecture, cobblestone streets, and numerous attractions.   Our first stop was Plaza Bolívar, […]

New Video: Central America I

We have a new video up on our YouTube channel of our time travelling through the Central American countries of Belize, Guatemala, and El Salvador. Enjoy, subscribe, and share! 🙂

Days 244 – 247: From the new to the old capital of Costa Rica

After the visit to the Starbucks farm, our following few days were uneventful and spent mostly working with a break to go see the new Tomb Raider movie at the cinema. We decided to pay a visit to the old capital of Costa Rica, Cartago, on Tuesday, March 27. The ride from the new capital […]

Days 223 & 224: A hot weekend and a day in Granada

We took a ride to Granada, a city of rich colonial heritage that is an hour from Managua, on Saturday. The city is located by Lake Cocibolca so, we decided to start our day of exploration from the lakeside area. The entrance area was nice; however, the rest was unremarkable. We stopped for lunch at a […]

Day 29: Guachochi to Hidalgo del Parral

We left Guachochi a bit earlier than our usual 9:30 AM because the bike being parked right outside our room made loading everything a total breeze. We stopped at an Oxxo for a quick breakfast and then were on our way to Hidalgo del Parral – our first city since Hermosillo.   The trip was […]

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