Tag: motorcycle

Days 30 & 31: Hidalgo del Parral to Durango

Our ride from Hidalgo del Parral to Durango was close to five hours long. We left in the morning at our usual time, had a quick lunch break in the middle, and then arrived at our destination in the afternoon. We stayed at a Best Western PLUS again, but much cheaper than Creel at 840 […]

Day 29: Guachochi to Hidalgo del Parral

We left Guachochi a bit earlier than our usual 9:30 AM because the bike being parked right outside our room made loading everything a total breeze. We stopped at an Oxxo for a quick breakfast and then were on our way to Hidalgo del Parral – our first city since Hermosillo.   The trip was […]

Day 28: Creel to Guachochi

We left Creel after breakfast on Sunday morning and rode for about four hours before we got to Guachochi. The day was beautiful – sunny without being too hot – so the ride was pleasant. The place itself reminded us quite a bit of Yécora upon initial impression, but somehow a bit better. I guess […]

Day 27: Barrancas del Cobre (Copper Canyon)

We left for the Barrancas del Cobre (Copper Canyon) after breakfast and arrived at the location in about an hour. We paid 20 pesos (~1.45 CAD) per person for the initial entry and then took a dirt road to where we could ride the gondola. There was some rain along the way so, unsurprisingly, the road […]

Day 26: Exploring Creel

We had planned to visit the Copper Canyon on our first morning in Creel; however, after seeing rain in the forecast, we decided to post-pone the trip to the following day. Instead, after breakfast, we decided to explore Creel since it seemed like a charming little town. Perhaps this is due to the fact that […]

We’re on Instagram!

We have decided to join all you insta-lovers and jumped on the Instagram bandwagon. All the pictures we post on the blog will also be posted on our Instagram account so if you prefer to skip the stories, follow us there. If you like the pictures, but want to see more than the square crop, come […]

Day 25: Yécora to Basaseachic Falls to Creel

We were up bright and early on Wednesday morning. After cold showers (no hot water for the morning) and some coffee at a nearby Oxxo (Mexican convenience store chain, similar to 7-11 in North America), we were on the road at around 8:30 AM. The drive from Yécora to Basaseachi was incredible. The weather was finally […]

Day 24: Hermosillo to Yécora

We left Hermosillo on Wednesday morning after breakfast and headed towards Yécora – a small town that falls between Hermosillo and Creel. We chose to stop here for the night because we planned to visit the Basaseachic Falls and didn’t want a long day of riding all the way to Creel, where we planned to stay to […]

Days 22 & 23: Banámichi to Hermosillo

We left Banámichi late Monday morning. We had narrowed down to three options for our next destination – Hermosillo, San Carlos, or Yécora. The first choice came when we reached Mazocahui, and had to decide between Hermosillo/San Carlos and Moctezuma/Sahuaripe/Yécora. We still had some work to finish, SIM cards to buy, and with the previous day’s […]

Days 20 & 21: Rainy Banámichi

Our weekend in Banámichi was spent mostly working and helping our hosts with their website. We shot some footage of the hotel and surrounding area, and will be putting those up on our YouTube channel once they’re ready. Phil also went for a ride in the afternoon on Saturday with Tom and they crossed the Rio […]

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