Tag: motorcycle

Days 150 – 158: Home for the Holidays

We spent all of Wednesday in our apartment and then on Thursday evening, we flew back to Vancouver to spend the holidays at home with the family. Our first day back happened to be my brother’s birthday so we had some decadent chocolate cake, rested up, and took care of some mundane, but necessary tasks. […]

Days 145 – 149: Swimming with the Fishies in Tulum

After a couple of days of doing nothing spectacular, we decided to do a day trip to Tulum on Tuesday, December 19. It is under an hour’s ride away from Playa del Carmen and is comprised of three areas: the ruins, the city, and the beach. We started our day with a visit to the ruins […]

Happy 2018!

We would like to wish our readers a very happy new year! 2017 had many challenges, but also many wonderful moments. The important thing is to take the good with you and learn from the bad to make the new year better. Be kind, tolerant, curious, and don’t be afraid to live the life of […]

Day 144: The Pink Lakes of Las Coloradas

We decided to do a day trip to Las Coloradas on Thursday since we still wanted to see some pink lakes despite the Laguna Rosada fail a couple of weeks earlier. So we rode for about 3.5 hours and, lo and behold, we found the pink lakes! It wasn’t as bright of a pink that […]

Days 140 – 143: CancĂșn to Playa del Carmen and More Beachy Vibes

On December 10, we rode for a little over an hour from CancĂșn to Playa del Carmen where we rented a apartment for a month at 27,898 MXN (~1,783 CAD). Playa del Carmen is another tourist-infested beach city with not much else aside from beaches, spas, and shopping. As a result, we didn’t do much for […]

Days 133 – 139: MĂ©rida to CancĂșn and a Week in Mexico’s Ultimate Beach City

On Sunday, we rode for a little over three hours from MĂ©rida to CancĂșn where we rented an apartment for a week at 5,900 MXN (~397 CAD). With its palm tree-lined streets, pristine white beaches, and turquoise-blue waters, it is easy to see why so many people visit this beautiful beach city. Last year alone, the […]

Mexico City and Taxco Videos

This is just a quick post to let our readers know that our resident musician was finally able to make some time for music and, as a result, we have new videos of Mexico City and Taxco up on our YouTube channel. Enjoy, subscribe, and share! 🙂    

Day 132: The Mayan Ruins of Chichén Itzå

Visiting the Mayan ruins of ChichĂ©n ItzĂĄ was our activity for the day on Saturday. The ride was around 1.5 hours from MĂ©rida and we arrived at the site while it was still morning. Entry tickets cost 242 pesos (~16.42 CAD) per person, which was more than what we paid at TeotihuacĂĄn, but understandably, as we saw far […]

Days 130 & 131: Campeche to MĂ©rida and a Google Betrayal

  It was a 2-hour ride on Thursday that got us from Campeche to MĂ©rida. We rented a room through Airbnb for 413 pesos (~27.90 CAD) a night and stayed for three nights. After getting cleaned up, we went to a nearby mall for dinner and ended up watching a late screening of Justice League. It […]

Days 127 – 129: Ciudad del Carmen to Campeche and Evening Tourism

  We left Ciudad del Carmen on the morning of Monday, November 27, for a 3-hour ride along the coast towards the city of San Francisco de Campeche. It was a hot and humid day so about mid-way through our trip, we stopped to cool down and have a seafood lunch by the beach before proceeding […]

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