As far as border crossings have been on this trip, it seems like the forces of the universe saved the best for last; the crossing from Uruguay to Argentina on December 19 took about five minutes before we were riding into Argentina to finish our journey. Details are on our Border Crossings page for all […]
Tag: rain
Days 508 – 513: Brazil to Uruguay and going coastal
The border crossing from Brazil to Uruguay was reasonably fast, but we did lose more time than needed because we accidentally entered Uruguay before exiting Brazil so we had to go back before proceeding. Not that we have any plans to return to Brazil in the near future, but we did get a visa for […]
Days 260 – 274: Chitré to Panama City and the rainy season
Day 38: The Historic Beauty of Morelia
Day 26: Exploring Creel
We had planned to visit the Copper Canyon on our first morning in Creel; however, after seeing rain in the forecast, we decided to post-pone the trip to the following day. Instead, after breakfast, we decided to explore Creel since it seemed like a charming little town. Perhaps this is due to the fact that […]
Day 25: Yécora to Basaseachic Falls to Creel
We were up bright and early on Wednesday morning. After cold showers (no hot water for the morning) and some coffee at a nearby Oxxo (Mexican convenience store chain, similar to 7-11 in North America), we were on the road at around 8:30 AM. The drive from Yécora to Basaseachi was incredible. The weather was finally […]
Days 20 & 21: Rainy Banámichi
Our weekend in Banámichi was spent mostly working and helping our hosts with their website. We shot some footage of the hotel and surrounding area, and will be putting those up on our YouTube channel once they’re ready. Phil also went for a ride in the afternoon on Saturday with Tom and they crossed the Rio […]
Day 14: Breaking Bad in Albuquerque
Day 36+37: Nov. 26-27 – Yuma to San Diego, CA
Day 6: Thursday, Oct. 27th – Reno, NV to BigPine, CA
Left Reno around 8:30am, happy to see my bike was still on the parking lot of the hotel. Just before leaving the room, I had taken a few pictures from the foggy/dirty window. The ride started pretty well, with a gorgeous view on Washoe Lake. A little after that I was passing the hell’s gate… And I […]