Tag: tour

Days 450 – 479: Bolivia to Chile and down the sliver we go

Leaving Oruro on the morning we were to cross the border was quite stressful. We had a 3-hour ride ahead of us and a near-empty gas tank. I ranted about getting gas as a foreigner in Bolivia in my last post and this morning was the prime example of why. We were sent away from […]

Days 339 – 366: Art, unforeseen delays, and celebrating a year on the road in Medellín

Our initially planned two-week stay in Medellín got extended by an additional two weeks because of some bike repairs that needed to be to be taken care of before they became hazardous. One of these repairs was to the clutch which required a part to be shipped in from the USA. The part was stuck in […]

2016 ’round the USA trip overview

This map shows the whole itinerary I followed for my trip around the United States. Some roads may not have been exactly the ones I took, but the path should be very close to the one I took. The respective daily posts may offer a more detailed and exact path (using my iphone GPS tracker’s log)

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