Tag: travelers

Days 276 – 286: Dodging rain and doing stuff

For the next two weeks, we did what we do best and occupied ourselves in productive ways while waiting for another dry day in Panama City so we could go out an do some more sight-seeing. We clocked in quite a bit of work hours, ran some bike-related errands, and had an array of home-cooked food […]

Day 275: The old quarter of Panama City

On our second Tuesday in Panama City, we decided to take a chance and go out to do some exploring, rain or shine. We had not seen any rain that day and the weather forecast (not that we always trust it) looked promising. The old quarter, Casco Viejo, comes with the highest recommendation of things […]

New Video: Central America I

We have a new video up on our YouTube channel of our time travelling through the Central American countries of Belize, Guatemala, and El Salvador. Enjoy, subscribe, and share! 🙂

Days 260 – 274: ChitrĂ© to Panama City and the rainy season

Our last two days in ChitrĂ© were spent lounging by the pool and logging in work hours, and then on Wednesday, April 11, we did the 3-hour ride to our last stop in Central America – Panama City. We were happy to make it to our next home for the month; however, what we didn’t realize was […]

Day 259: A day trip to Playa Venao

Since we were stopped in ChitrĂ© for a few days and there wasn’t much to do within the city itself, we decided to do a day trip to PedasĂ­, a coastal town that is about 1.5 hours to the south of ChitrĂ©, on Sunday. The day was hot, but the ride was pleasant as the road was nice […]

Days 253 – 258: Costa Rica to Panama

On Monday, April 2, we bid farewell to San JosĂ© and started to make our way towards Panama with our first stop being in San Isidro de El General, a small city that was a three-hour ride away. This was one of our less enjoyable rides as we had a scare with the bike early in our […]

Days 248 – 252: Final days in San JosĂ© and a day in Zarcero

Our last few days in San JosĂ© were uneventful, aside from a day trip to Zarcero on Thursday. Zarcero is a small city that is about two hours away from the capital and is known for its topiary garden at the Parque Francisco Alvarado. The garden sits in front of the Iglesia de San Rafael in the city center and […]

Days 244 – 247: From the new to the old capital of Costa Rica

After the visit to the Starbucks farm, our following few days were uneventful and spent mostly working with a break to go see the new Tomb Raider movie at the cinema. We decided to pay a visit to the old capital of Costa Rica, Cartago, on Tuesday, March 27. The ride from the new capital […]

Day 243: A pleasant surprise on the way to Poás Volcano

The plan for Friday was to visit the Volcán Poás, a 2,708-metre volcano that is an hour and a half away from San JosĂ©. We embarked on our journey mid-morning and about an hour into it, we passed by a large industrial cylinder with the Starbucks logo plastered across it. Phil, being the attentive rider that […]

Days 239 – 242: La Fortuna to San JosĂ© and getting acquainted with Costa Rica’s capital

On Monday, March 19, we left La Fortuna and rode for almost three hours to the capital, San JosĂ©, where we were stopping for the next two weeks. The first couple of days were spent as they usually are in any new city we stop in – logging in some work hours, grocery shopping, getting […]

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