Tag: windscreen

Days 175 & 176: Tikal to Chahal to San Agustín Lanquín and an off-road mishap

Tim and Marisa met us at our hotel on Sunday morning to ride to our next stop in Chahal together. The ride itself was around four hours long, not including our lunch break at a small restaurant along the way, and was quite scenic. We had a short ride through a dirt road that the […]

Hands-on! (part 5)

So technically part 4 was not really a “hands-on”, but I’ll keep the title still to not confuse whoever is reading the blog. This post, though, is actually about mounting the windscreen. The installation of the new windscreen took me around one hour, but I’ve been a bit slow  and that can probably be done in […]

Hands-on! (part 4)

So, my MadStad 22″ windscreen came in today. Got a delivery notice in the mail yesterday, and went to Canada Post to pick it up one hour ago. I hadn’t checked the mail in fact, but got a notice in my email too, also stating there would be CAD25.81 custom fees to pay… 25.81? Sounds […]

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